vineri, 27 aprilie 2012



Erik Desmazieres, original illustration to Jorge Luis Borges' The Library of Babel (1941)

© Sergiu Simion , 1999 - 2023

A transparent knowledge network in which the degree of the information trust that circulates inside of it can be evaluated.

All in the light !

© Sergiu Simion , 1999 - 2020


Instead of introduction

"...AON is a virtual train whose motor is made of valid information supplied by the passengers. You can get on every station you wish if you are a graduate or a student. You come in, you pay the ticket and a passenger offers you a place next to him. When you get on the train it is necessary to introduce yourself and to declare your competence because your name must be entered on the passengers list. When you are sitting down you will receive the list of all compartments (respective the competencies) of the train. From this moment you can chose the compartments which interest you and the persons which you want to discuss, to cooperate or to do business. At the same time, every person of the train can contact you. For doing this things you need to fulfill some conditions: you must be elegant, kind, you must have self control and you must follow some rules, which are identical for all the passengers. The landscape you see at the windows is the social reality. You can see it from distance, you can ask for details from the passengers of the train or you can get off the train any time, to verify yourself what is going on, to smoke a cigarette, or to have a beer with your future partner of ideas, or future business partner. But you can’t smoke, can’t drink alcohol, can’t throw paper on the ground and can’t touch the alarm signal on the train. Only like this you will be able to find can fair-play in the relationships with the other passengers, you will be given credit and you will remain member of this elite…”

AON is a group of intellectuals (graduates and students) which communicate to each other sharing information, ideas, solutions and following voluntarily the same rules. The group is a network and it is in fact a form of communication and interaction that withstands to inefficiency, bureaucracy and corruption. The AON`s presentation  can be summary made by answering three questions: 

What is AON ?

  • note book
  • telephone directory
  • database
  • enquiry office
  • knowledge network and social network
  • group of men which agree to respect the same rules
  • club

What does AON ?

  • appreciates and uses the competence and the intellectual effort
  • uses the individual abilities and the group abilities
  • solves the problems of the individual through the group
  • builds social relationships

What is the characteristic feature of AON ?

  • recognizes and certifies the individual and the group qualities
  • individualizes the information (any information that enters the system is signed, dated, saved and can be verified)
  • settles and validates the information
  • the information entering the system cannot be deleted ( the corrected information is published but the initial version remains for evaluation and comparison )
  • each member has at any moment the whole image of the network and their members -           the  AON `s  diagram 
  • the network is transparent for all its members in all aspects.

1. Utilization of  AON`s network


A .... It`s 7.00 pm. You turn on the television and watch the news. An important news draws your attention on a certain domain (economy/medicine/law, etc.). You need to make a decision in the (…) domain. You look at the Module 1 from AON and send a short e-mail (or in case of strict necessity you call for one or two minutes) to Mr. (economist /doctor / lawyer, etc.) with regard to this problem mentioning your AON code if you don’t know each other yet. For this level the network worked. Next, you will decide of you’ll leave the things as they are or you will act in this situation.
In case you decided to get involved in, you must behave by following the AON`s code of conduct and by correctly applying the L.T.D. principles:

a) If you wew VERY SATISFIED by the answer, by the person and by the style, then you can send one evaluation of AONP(+) type to AON`s database and mention briefly, clear and precise your appreciation. Therefore you won 5 points on scale I (insertion in the network) and the person you asked won 5 points on PRESTIGE, and would shake your hand for sure if she could met you face to face. 
b) If you are VERY UNSATISFIED by the answer, the person or the style, then you can send one evaluation type AONP(-) to AON`s database. You win 5 points on scale I (the network is being grateful). This time, the partner wins 5 points on REJECTION. 
c) The behavior and style of petitioner in request of information is very important. If you don’t do this correctly you might have surprises. The person you evaluate can also send to AON data base an evaluation type AONP(-). This way, you will also “win” 5 points at “REJECTION”.

B. You used the services of an organization / firm / authorized person. You were VERY SATISFIED / UNSATISFIED by its services. You can send an AONP(+/-) or AONF(+/-) evaluation into the network so that all AON`s members can benefit from your experience and you will be rewarded in the same way. 

C. You must take an important decision:
a) the acquisition of a house with help of a real estate firm with cash
b) employment in a company for leaving abroad;
c) choosing a hospital for interning a relative for a risky surgery.
How do you act? For a) and b) situation you ask for the AON`s score of those companies from the AON`s database. If they don’t exist you ask for opinions from the AON`s members of those firms. If they also don’t exist you ask for opinions of the AON`s  members that live or work in that area and ask details about those companies. In both situations you can gather enough information to know if you can risk your money or not: the existence of o single negative appreciation is a good reason to not do a business with a company! For c) situation first use Module 1 to identify the doctors and the AON`s member of the hospital area. Second, request from the AON`s database the AON`s evaluation and all the recommendations for those you wanted or you are being advised to collaborate with. This way, it is more likely to find out who you can trust and to learn about this doctor probably as much as his assistant knows.

D. You must go in other town for business, etc. You need to take a look at Module 1 and you have 3 possibilities:
  • you located three AON`s members (one in the same domain) in 5 minutes you will know how you can start;
  • you located one AON`s member but in the other domain; you can still use his kindness and services because he knows the area, the history, the persons and most certainly he will give you valuable information;
  • you didn’t locate any AON`s member in that area; you must use the usually methods (...) or wait for the extension of AON`s network.

E. You have a company and you want to employ a person (engineer, economist, lawyer, etc.). You must choose between paying a considerably commission to a “human resources” company and to wait to receive what this company offers, or to find out first through the AON`s database which of the persons fulfill for sure your requirements and to choose almost free of charges what you want.

F. You don’t own a company, you don’t have a job and you need to get one. If you are not an AON`s member, you will have to convince all the companies that you really are what you pretend to be and the only thing you can do is to act in the well known tradition style. Instead, if you are an AON`s member, you can post a certain add (signal) in Module 6 (6.1) and Module 8 (8.1). A company whose manager is an AON`s  member already has essential data with regard to your person and because of that saves time and money. You have won a job and the network extended through this Win-Win transaction.

G. As a student you want a temporary job or you want to get in touch with a specialist. If you are an AON`s member, you won’t be treated with the usual reticence towards the students and the company/the specialist who hires you, will receive a sufficient guarantee regarding your person. Actually, your energy and creativity were desired in both cases, but “none of the two parts was aware of the existence of the other one.”

H. As an individual you came into contact many times with institutions, companies, organizations and persons. Do you remember how your position was esteemed, how long it took to obtain a requested information, which was the quality of the services you used, how the rules and the social behavior norms have been followed (or better said broken) … At the bottom, AON suggests some simple rules which it obliges itself to follow. Through this requirement the network represents a practical solution to the alienation and the uselessness that we all felt more or less in this never ending transaction.

I. As a Romanian citizen established abroad you wish to do business and to get in contact with people and companies from Romania. If you left Romania for a long time, the only persons you still know are your closest relatives and probably some friends. If you are enrolled in AON you have access to valid information and you can establish quickly new contacts. The businessmen can appreciate correctly these advantages. As for the rest, you know the language but, … you can’t understand anything anymore (this fact has been confirmed by lots of statements). But, if you are an AON`s member you will have quick access to valid information and you will be able to easy establish contacts. Business man (and not only) are able to correctly appreciate this advantages. 

2. The AON`s definition

AON is built on the principle of the knowledge networks. It creates horizontally connections between people and groups of people. Originally, the Club is based on an idea of Goethe ("The apprenticeship of Wilhelm Meister"), the communication networks analyzed by John Naisbitt ("Mega Trends "), the view of Stephen R. Covey upon relationships ("The Seven Years of Highly Effective People") and the view of the Romanian psychologist Gheorghe Zapan upon the interpersonal relationship ("The objective evaluation of personality"). Equally, the social reality of Romania, the type and the characteristic feature of interpersonal and social relationships plaid a significant part in the creation of AON.


1. Purpose | 2. Objectives | 3. Principles | 4. Code

5. Registrations | 6. Forms | 7. Database | 8. Requests | 9. Other details
(only for members )

10. AON`s  diagram | 11.Contacts | 12. Functioning
(only for members)


1 . The  AON`s purpose 

The creation of...
  • a favorable environment for communication, cooperation and collaboration
  • an interface between competences and resources, specialists and students
  • a favorable background for achievement of members` goals and interests
  • an economic affiliation based on the intellectual affiliation
  • a safe business background by following the legality and by the strict separation from persons, institutions and corrupt structures.

The encouragement of...
  • the intellectual competence
  • the individual initiative and free thinking
  • a social relationships type based on personal development, consideration for the partner, recognition of competence and individual value
  • the efficient use of information, resources, competences and abilities which exist in the group

Elimination of...
  • the traditional bureaucratic hierarchy

2 . The Objectives 

  • fast circulation of valid information into the group
  • using advantages of communication, cooperation and collaboration into the group
  • the elimination of suspicion at the level of the relationship between partners
  • the creation of stable environment into the group (of information, communication, cooperation, collaboration, work, business).
  • the establishment of some social, professional and business relationships in the group, based on a clear behavior code
  • fast access to competences, abilities and group resources
  • creation of work groups (business, professions, domains, etc)
  • identification of partners (social, professional, business) which have a fair-play behavior
  • identification and drawing in of students through mediation of access to information , competences and resources

3. The Principles 

...of constitution
  • AON is a private club created only for intellectuals, which is separated of any political party, organizations or institutions, follows the laws in force and it has no other objectives than the one stated in context.
  • AON`s activity takes place only in the virtual space. The passing from the activity and the contacts from the virtual space to the activity and the contacts in the real space is an individual decision that remains at the choice of every AON`s  member.
...of affiliation
  • follow of the AON`s code
  • recognition of the partner` qualities
  • free access to the personal recordings ( C.V.) of all network members
  • free access of all the information in the network
  • right to publish immediately and at no cost in the AON`s bulletins signals, evaluations, ads, offers
  • right to recommend a person for registration in AON but the right to withdraw his support as well
  • can’t be members of AON military men, officers and any other persons which in one way or another come into contact with information concerning the national security of Romania
...of operation
  • the entrance and exit are free by AON`s rules
  • the enrolment is based only on the 6 original forms supplied by administration
  • each information introduced into AON`s network is signed, dated, and can be verified
  • AON`s information don’t contain classified information, are valid only in the network and can be used only by the members
  • core of database is hold by all AON`s members
  • AON`s database is generated and maintained by the members` activities, competences, interests and preoccupation of the club’s members.
  • each AON`s  member is situated in the center of the network and in the same time is a potential data base.
  • AON`s network is transparent for all its members
  • AON`s information can`t be invoked , quoted or used for other purpose which had not been declared in this context.
...of evaluation
  • AON`s members evaluate the environment which they get in touch with
  • AON`s members send into the network the evaluations of persons and firms with they get in touch with

4 . The Code
  • RULES . The basic principles are : L.T.D. (  Liability......Truth......Dialog......) 
  • RELATIONS . The relations among AON members into network : C.C.C. ( Communication....Cooperation....Collaboration )
  • TRANZACTIONS . The transactions among AON`s members can be in this manner only :P . P . ( Profit - Profit ) or U. N. ( UnNegotiable) 
( to be continued )